The 2nd ManyLaws user workshop with Hellenic parliament public administrators took place in Athens

The 2nd ManyLaws user workshop took place in Athens, Greece on Friday, 10 May 2019. It was organized by the University of Aegean together with Intrasoft International and the Hellenic Parliament, to facilitate business needs collection and analysis. Two target groups were addressed separately in order to identify their business needs as well as their workflow: (a) the Hellenic parliament public administrators (12 participants from different positions from IT, legal and administrative departments) and (b) professional lawyers (8 participants from different law domains: corporate lawyers, freelancers and public sector lawyers). The setup of the workshop consisted of 3 parts: (a) Present the envisioned ManyLaws solution and clarify the importance of each proposed service for the respective target group, (b) Identify the workflow and business needs (requirements collection) of each target group and, (c) Find common ground for the ManyLaws services to be implemented.